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Work: 613-536-5252
Cell/Text: 343-363-5252
Most used parts are available, ready-to-ship within a few days. However, I have 20+ machines awaiting tear-down, so it can sometimes take me a week or two to supply some parts at the right price.
See my eBay store for a small selection of what's or email with questions and enquiries.

Original Cletrac Hood Logo

HG, OC-3 Gas Tank

HG Gauges & Housing

OC-3 Gauge Housing & Starter Box

HG & OC-3 Air Cleaner Assembly

Air Cleaner Assembly to ship

HG, OC-3, OC-4 Rollers

New/old set of OC-4 Track Chains

Industrial OC-3 Track Frame Support

Ware Model 46 Loader (Oliver OC-46)

Ware Model 3-HI Loader Tag

OC-3 Ware 3-HI loader + dozer blade

OC4 Manuals

Engine + Parts in Crate

Idlers Strapped to Skid for Shipping
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