Work: 613-536-5252
Cell/Text: 343-363-5252
Many parts are available either as "new-old" original stock or as modern reproductions. Let me know if originality is desired — I do have a stock of new-old original parts or excellent used parts.
Hercules GO & DD130
When we talk of OC-4 and OC-46 engines, we are really talking about two engines: the four cylinder Hercules IXB-3 gasoline engines; and three cylinder Hercules GO/DD130-series engines and their variants.
Oliver OC-4's began life in 1956 with the 3-1/4 in. bore Hercules IXB-3, the same engine used in the late Oliver HG's and OC-3's. Please refer to the IX-series page for early OC-4 engine parts.
Starting in 1957 for diesels and in 1958 for gasoline models, the so-called 'mid-series' OC-4's and OC-46's were equipped with 3 cylinder Hercules DD or GO130 engines. The same model engines persisted with one or two minor, later variations until the end of production in 1965.
Important note: 'H' variant GO130 & DD130 engines had a larger crank shaft with a 2-7/8ths in. main, and 2-1/2 or 2-3/8 in. rod bearings. This roughly coincided with the introduction of Series B models but not exactly.
All DD130's had cylinder sleeves, while only those Series B GO130's after serial number 3753356 had sleeves.
Series B's had a different camshaft in both GO & DD130's and the diesels had a diferent camshaft gear.
In addition, GO130 engines after serial number 3750138 and DD130's after 3600168 had different cam bearings.
Tip: When you email, text or call with questions or enquiries about engine parts, please tell me your machine and/or engine model and serial number.

Our full engine gasket set includes a head gasket, manifold gaskets and front/rear oil seals. Beware of cheap imitations.

Available separately, or included in full engine gasket set.

Available in Standard & some undersizes (please enquire). When ordering Mains, it is important to know your engine model & serial number, due to crank shaft changes in some of the later models.

Note that 3 cylinder Distributor Caps are now obsolete. We supply a compatible 6 cylinder version.

In addition to fully refurbished distributors, we supply rotors, condensers, points, caps etc.