Work: 613-536-5252
Cell/Text: 343-363-5252
Changing Brake Bands on Differential Steering Units (click on first photo - use arrows)

Like all HG's and OC-3's steering/brake bands, these are the loop-to-loop style, held to the steering cams with clevis pins.

The steering/brake band loops are fastened to each cam with a clevis pin, which is secured by a cotter pin. It can be really fiddly to grab hold of the cotter pin especially without a good tool for the job.

I have found this tool perfect for removing the small cotter pins and pushing out the clevis pins. It's the only tool you'll need for this job, apart from a socket to take off the rear transmission cover.

After pulling out the cotter pin, use the bent-nose pliers to push out the clevis pin (outside to inside).This releases the rear steering/brake band loops.

Rotate the steering cam clockwise to allow access to the cotter pin which releases the front clevis pin. Note: Loosening or disconnecting the brake adjustment rods, will help rotate the cam as far as possible.

Again, use the bent-nose pliers to remove the cotter & clevis pins to release the front steering/brake band loops.

Now, it's an easy job to simply 'rotate' the steering/brake bands out of the transmission case. Repeat on the other side, and reverse to re-install new ones.

Hopefully they don't look like this pair! These exposed brass rivets can cause serious damage to the brake drums.

The brake drums are reasonably forgiving in the short-term if not abused, but severe scouring can result in complete failure!

These are the new linings we use today. We supply a pad & rivet set so that you can rivet them yourself, or we can re-line them for you if you send them in. Note: there are some minor differences between steering/brake bands from different models and/or age, so if you call, text, or email, be prepared to answer some questions (see next schematic diagram)

Caution: Cletrac to Oliver HG steel bands came in two different gauges, which in turn took linings of different thickness. Either is fine in your machine (thin+thin or thick+thick), but you should not mix and match. Planetary and clutch-steering Oliver OC-4 bands are slightly different lengths.

Note: steering/brake linings on planetary-steering vs. 'Spot-Turn (clutch) steering are slightly different in length.