Work: 613-536-5252
Cell/Text: 343-363-5252
Many parts are available either as "new-old" original stock or as modern reproductions. Let me know if originality is desired — I do have a stock of new-old original parts or excellent used parts.
Information to follow...
Other new parts: battery tray, cover & switch; water pump kits; fuel pumps & kits; throttle lever & parts; fan bearings; spark plug leads; air cleaner parts; carburetors & rebuild kits; choke wire; air cleaner to carb pipe; exhaust pipe; HG manifold; clutch parts; transmission parts; most final drive parts; idler clamp rods; OC4 idler shaft supports & track frame supports; track pins/bushings; mainspring parts; all gaskets, bearings, bushings, seals, dust shields, hoses, belts, boots, leads, knobs, caps, gauges, filters, 'zerks' etc. etc.

Cletrac & Oliver-Cletrac HG's did not come with temperature gauges but they are a simple and useful addition.

This sits atop of the usual gauge holder on HG's & OC-3's.

Early & mid-series OC-4's used yellow gauges.

For early 4 cylinder, and mid-series OC-4's & OC-46's.

Used on the classic orange Cletrac tractors from 1939-1945.

Used on late production HG's from late 1950 until the end of production in 1951.

Covers the early, 1956-8 4 cylinder gas models, and early 3 cylinder models from 1957-61 (diesels) and 1958-61 (gas).

Covering all Series B model OC-4's and OC-46's from 1962 until the end of production in 1965.